I just want to kick things off today with a little disclaimer…
I am by no means a model! LOL
All my clothes are tight, I haven’t stopped eating for the past 9 months and I could well pass as a pregnant lady. Yes, it’s 2020 and anything is possible, so on that note, let’s jump into today’s new post!

After my recent appearance at RAREfest with Cambridge Rare Disease Network – (missed that blog post? You can catch up here) – I was approached by a company called ‘Nice Genes’.
Nice Genes are an up-and-coming clothing brand that aim to connect science with youth culture. Essentially, all profits made through their apparel sales are donated to rare disease charities – how cool is that?!
The great thing about this feature is that customers also get to select which organization they want to donate to. ‘Nice Genes’ are primarily based in America but are looking to branch out more nationally, so I guess that’s where I come in…

As you all may know, I have a genetic muscle-wasting condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy. After several conversations with one of their co-founders, I was kindly gifted one of their classic T-shirts and asked if I could help raise some awareness.
Since then, I have been able to connect the ‘Nice genes’ founders to a rare disease charity close to my heart called SMA UK – in the hope of raising some vital funds.
My ugly mug is now also featured on their website as an ambassador, which is a really exciting opportunity for myself as well. Like I said, I am by no means a model but I do take pride in my appearance and fashion choices.
So here are a few snaps of me living my best “pretend model life” (from the comfort of my home, haha)

Should you guys wish to get involved, you can purchase various items from the ‘Nice Genes’ website or follow them on social media.