I was on ITV’s Tipping Point!

In what has probably been one of my worst kept secrets… I can finally reveal that I was a contestant on ITV’s Tipping Point!

This episode was actually filmed back in April 2022! Yes you read that right, but last night it finally graced our screens nearly two and a half years later.

To be honest, I had actually given up hope that the episode would ever air. But here we are and I’m excited to finally talk about it!

Oh heyyy Ben Shephard!

Ross and Ben Shephard smiling at the camera on set of Tipping Point

To cut a long story short, I basically saw an advert online looking for contestants. I thought it sounded like a bit of fun so I applied as a joke – never in a million years expecting to get a callback!

ITV's Tipping Point logo

From this, I had to go through several rounds of interviews where my quiz knowledge was put to the test. This joke now seemed to be getting a lot more serious…

After numerous phone calls and online tests against other candidates, I was then selected to be a contestant! Apparently series 13 had over 50,000 applicants too, which is just madddd!

The overall experience was amazing! As someone who loves all things media related, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the studios – especially seeing how everything worked from behind the scenes.

The show’s producers and runners were all so friendly and welcoming too, which made the whole experience even better.

ITV paid for all my expenses to travel to Bristol, whilst also putting me and my family up in a hotel for the night. We were truly spoilt!

Outside view of the hotel

In terms of accessibility, the team listened to my needs and were more than accommodating. For example, there was a large portable ramp put in place in order for me to gain access to the stage platform.

I was slightly concerned that I would struggle to press the buzzer during gameplay – due to my muscle weakness – however the team reassured me and I was able to have a practice run beforehand.

Ross and contestant Clifton behind their podiums.

As this was filmed back in April 2022, Covid precautions were still very much in place, so unfortunately I wasn’t able to explore or hang around the studios as much as I would have liked.

I did however get to chill with this cardboard cutout of Ben Shephard in the greenroom!

Ross sat in his wheelchair in front of a large cardboard cut-out of Ben Shephard.

If you missed the episode, you can catchup on ITVX by clicking the link below: https://www.itv.com/watch/tipping-point/2a1875/2a1875a1547

(Episode air date 02/09/24) Or download on Sky catchup – Series 13, episode 97.

Screenshot of Ross playing the game on TV

I may not have won the episode, but I did however secure a ‘mystery prize’ in the form of a 6-month home cocktail subscription – courtesy of The Cocktail Man.

As someone who doesn’t really drink… this is quite comical. But at least my sister was happy! haha.

6 months worth of cocktail delivery boxes laid out on Ross's counter

Overall, I had the best time and would do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Ben Shephard was also really friendly on and off camera, and at least my Scarlett Johansson comments made him laugh.

The reaction online has also been incredible! I have absolutely LOVED reading through all the messages and comments, so I thought I’d make a little video sharing some of my favourites.

For more regular, up-to-date content, make sure you’re following me on Instagram or TikTok (@rosslannon)

Is this the end of my quiz show career already? Or should I do another? I guess you’ll have to wait and find out…