Lockdown Diaries – February 2021

As another month goes by, I’ve been reminiscing over the “good ol days” – and by that I mean Lockdown number 1. Who would have thought it?!

Throwback to March 2020 when the sun was shining and zoom calls were actually quite fun…

Ross's hand holding a coconut shaped cup filled with alcohol and a metal straw

Never in a million years did I imagine 12 months down the line we’d be right back at the start. However this time around, the weather is shite and if I have to do one more online quiz I might just cry.

With that being said you guys still seem to be enjoying my diary updates, so let’s jump straight into this month’s shenanigans!

Today I had a nice little stroll around the block with Ralph. We didn’t go too far, but it was just nice to get some fresh air again as it’s been so wet & cold recently. This evening I enjoyed a video call with my friends Charlie & Gina from NQPC.

Screenshot of the zoom call between Ross, Charlie & Gina

We started chatting about plans for a blogger collaboration, but in the end we just laughed and talked nonsense for a good hour! Roll on the summer month’s when we can hopefully meet up in person.

Ok I know I’ve moaned a lot about zoom quizzes, but tonight’s one was actually quite fun. I guess it beats another evening spent in front of the tv.

After having a few weeks off, the Active8 boys reclaimed their winning title and it felt pretty good!

Screenshot of the zoom call between Ross and 3 of his friends - Mark, James & Alex

Today’s the big day! I never thought I’d get so excited over a needle, but if it means we can get one step closer back to reality – I’ll take it!

Today I had my first dose of the COVID vaccine and I celebrated by doing ‘donuts’ in the hallway of my local GP surgery.

I also treated myself to a hash brown breakfast from McDonalds afterwards, as ya do!

Ross sat in his car in the driving position, holding two hashbrowns and a mcdonalds bag

After all the excitement from yesterday’s jab, the side effects soon started to kick in. Last night I started to feel a bit tired and achy, and this morning I woke up with a banging headache / fever. Whilst the side effects are not always nice, I would still encourage everyone to protect themselves (and others) by getting vaccinated as soon as they can.

After spending most of the day in bed, 24 hours later I was absolutely fine again.

Today I started knitting… Yep, there’s a sentence I never thought I’d be saying either. As you all know I love a good challenge and I didn’t want to come out of this lockdown without being able to say I had learnt a new skill.

View of Ross's lap holding a yarn of grey wool and a knitting loom

After borrowing some ‘loom’ supplies from my PA, I have set out to make myself a bobble hat. So far so good… watch this space haha.

Today I went for a nice little drive as I had to drop something off on my friends doorstep. It was so nice to see a familiar face again, even if it was from a social distance. Can we all just take a minute to appreciate this little one sat on my car window sill (n’awww!!) and of course the doggo who steals the show in the background, haha.

Ross's friend holding a baby sat on his car window sill

Later on this evening, my Dad sent me a photo as he noticed my blue van parked in the background of a ‘Long Lost Families’ episode on ITV. Last year when I was in Plymouth, I just so happened to bump into Davina McCall when out and about having lunch with my sister. She was so lovely and it was great to see some of the filming from behind the scenes that day.

HAPPY PANCAKE DAY! My 3rd favourite day of the year (after Christmas & Halloween, obvs.) This year I opted for a chocolate and raspberry combo. Mmmm mmmm.

Here’s a video of me tossing live in action… get your head out of the gutter!

Tonight was quite an eventful evening, as I had a power cut midway through preparing my dinner… knife in hand.

For some reason it was only my house in the street that was affected, and after an hour or so of darkness, my parents finally managed to get me back up and running. Turns out it was issue with my boiler, so it looks like it’s hot water bottles in bed tonight!

Today I drove to Plymouth in order to collect something for my sister – I’ll take any excuse to get out of the house! This is the furthest I have driven in a long time, so it was a good little strength test as well.

On the way back, we stopped off to try the new takeaway Yorkshire Pudding wraps at Par Market. Roast pork, stuffing, onions and gravy – YUMMY!!

The weather is surprisingly nice today, so that can only mean one thing… BEACH! Ralphy absolutely loved playing with his ball in the sand, and I thoroughly enjoyed being back in the buggy for the first time in a good year or so.

Ross sat in the beach buggy chair, blue skies and sea in the background
Ross's cockapoo dog Ralph laying on the sand with his ball. Blue skies and sea in the background

Tonight BoJo also made his new announcement with plans for the roadmap back to freedom. Fingers crossed for June 21st!!

This morning I was up bright and early for an interview with BBC World Service, talking about the rise in “disabled influencers”. I was surprisingly nervous as it’s been a while since I’ve done any live-speaking interviews, especially to such a large audience. Unfortunately it was only a very brief chat, but hopefully this can lead to more opportunities in the future.

Selfie of Ross pulling a funny facing staring down at his microphone, wearing his blog logo tshirt

Today I sat in the garden for a little bit and read my book which was nice. Ralphy of course had to get involved by sitting on my lap.

This evening I watched ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ for the first time. Whilst I enjoyed the music, I am still very confused as to what actually happened. What a strange film that was!! haha. I imagine it would be a great atmosphere in the theatre tho.

I hope you guys enjoyed my latest monthly round-up. I am definitely starting to venture out a little bit more which is nice. Let’s hope this continues over the next few months!

Take care,

Ross x