Lockdown Diaries – January 2021

Let’s be honest, it’s not been the best start to a New Year has it?

Who knows what number of ‘lockdown’ we’re in now?! But hey… I wasn’t really going out anyway! With that being said, I thought it would be the ideal time to bring back my diary updates.

If the following Instagram feature is anything to go by, then I’m sure I’m in for a fun year! Or maybe not haha.

(Description: Video of Ross with a random word generator above his head, deciding that in 2021 he will be… LONELY)

Day 1 of the new UK restrictions and I thought I would kick things off at home with a new book. As you may know, I love a good medical journal and so far I’m really enjoying this insight into a paramedic’s work.

Ross's lap holding a book called "fighting for your life" by Lysa Walder

Slowly but surely my home is turning into a TV studio… and I love it!

For Christmas this year my sister bought me my very own green screen (how cool is that?!) I have no idea what to do with it yet, but if I can’t leave the house in person, maybe I can travel the world from here instead 😉

Large green screen backdrop in Ross's hallway

It may seem like I’m losing the plot, but I really enjoyed getting a little bit creative today. Remember the classic game “Guess Who?” Well I thought it would be fun to personalise it with some of my family’s favourite celebrities / tv show characters.

Yep, I have wayyyy too much time on my hands! P.S. are you following me on TikTok yet?

As well as spending my days watching Netflix, I have also been on a bit of a health-kick. I recently purchased this punchbag which has definitely helped me to get a little bit more active.

Check out my previous post for more information on my new workout routine.

Side profile shot of Ross about to hit his punchbag

Today is my sister’s 30th birthday (woop woop!) Although I am sad we were unable to spend it in ways we would have liked to, I am sure we will make up for it when the time is right and it is safe to do so.

For her gift, I prepared a box of random 90’s throwbacks – from a tamagotchi pet, to TY beanie babies and of course the SpiceWorld movie. What more could you want? haha

A display of Ross's sister's birthday gifts. A box of 90s goodies, large 30 balloons and a selection of cards

Unfortunately luck wasn’t on my side today, as I seem to be having issues with the handbrake on my car. Due to having a specially adapted vehicle, regular garages are unable to carry out any repair works – hence why my van was then carried away on a truck to Barnstaple.

Looks like I am well and truly staying at home now!

Today was a fun day! Despite still not having my car back, I enjoyed an evening of entertainment via Active8‘s online Murder Mystery night. The theme was 1920’s by the way… I don’t just dress up like this for fun 😉

selfie of Ross wearing a white t-shirt and a black waist coat. Top hat, dicky bow tie and a fake cigar in hand.

Today I let out some frustrations by “attempting” to smash up some wardrobes. I’m definitely classing this as my workout for the day, as I was knackered after holding that hammer for a while!

So after having a bit of a sore throat for a few days, today I found out that I have tonsillitis! Cheers Doc. Even when I’ve locked myself at home for the past 10 months, the world still finds ways to punish me! lol

When it rains it pours… today my wheelchair broke down – just what I needed! I haven’t had the best luck with my chair this year and I have certainly lost confidence in it.

The time has definitely come for me to start the process of getting a new wheelchair. No doubt I will document the journey on here, as it’s no quick fix due to the amount of adaptions I need.

On a lighter note, today was a much better day! As well as working on my own blog, I also write for several other organisations and have since secured a new paid contract. Woop woop!

I also spent most of my day filming for a secret project that I hope to be able to share more of soon!

Ross's laptop setup beside a microphone

Last but not least, tonight I enjoyed a game of Harry Potter bingo with some friends via zoom. Wow, Friday nights have really hit their peak, haha.

Playing bingo in my boxers is not how I imagined 2021 to be going, but hey, I still had fun!

View of Ross's laptop screen showing his online harry potter bingo card

Maybe this year isn’t looking so bad after all…

I hope you’re all doing ok. Fingers crossed I should have my vaccine by next month’s diary update.

Speak soon,

Ross xx