It feels so good to finally say this… I am now officially excited for summer!
Now that I have started to venture out a little bit more – and the sun has decided to make an occasional appearance – life finally feels like it is heading back in the right direction.
Whilst I don’t have anything majorly exciting to share with you all this month, I still enjoy documenting my life throughout these strange times. So grab a cuppa – or something stronger – and let’s jump into today’s post. Here’s a recent picture of me & Ralphy to kick things off…

5th May
If you didn’t know already, I really am an “all or nothing” kind of guy. I either have zero plans, or a jam-packed schedule. And after the past 18 months of shielding, I definitely feel like I have some busy times to make up for!
Therefore I have recently signed up to an online course in Foundation Journalism. It was a honour to be accepted into the Academy for Disabled Journalists, and I’m really looking forward to learning some new skills which will hopefully compliment my blog and radio work.

9th May
Today I went to B&M!!! haha. Whilst I know this isn’t usually “news worthy”, it was a big deal for me as it’s one of my first proper outings in a public store.
As nice as it was to get out and see things in person again, I can’t deny that I felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable at times. Here’s hoping I can start building my confidence again when it comes to mixing with strangers – ahhh!

13th May
This week has mostly been taken up by induction training for CHAOS Radio, which I co-present every Thursday from 10am – 3pm. It’s been a while since I’ve been sat back in a classroom, but I might as well get used to the “student life” now that I am doing my Journalism course too!
17th May
Today I went to Primark! There is no stopping me now, haha. I may or may not have spent £94… (how is that even possible?)
This evening I had a lovely takeaway from Xen Noodle Bar with my friend Sophie.

20th May
I am currently in the process of getting a new car, which for me is very daunting as I hate change! Despite this, I have been looking at various different vehicles and colours over the past few weeks.
Today I had a demo of a Ford Custom Nevada. No doubt l will share more of this process in a future blog post.

24th May
As mentioned in a previous diary update, my sister is in the process of renovating her very first home. So today we made the traditional ‘hand prints’ on the back of her kitchen tiles. Things got a little bit messy, but it was great fun!!

25th May
Now it wouldn’t be a blog post of mine if it didn’t involve some naughty treats of some sort. Here is a picture of my dessert from Mr Tee’s drive-thru van this evening. The weather may not have been on our side, but I couldn’t give it a miss when he is so rarely in our town!
One of these was for my mum by the way – I’m not a complete fatty 😉

30th May
Today I went to Flicka Donkey Sanctuary and had THE BEST time! I will be sharing a separate blog post on this soon, so keep an eye out for that over the next few weeks.

31st May
What better way to end this month than with some sunshine in the hot tub. The perfect bank holiday vibe… until my dad jumped in, pretended to have belly ache, and then released a fake floater from beneath the water!!

I think it’s safe to say I nearly shat myself for real with that prank! haha.
I hope you are all keeping well.
Speak soon,
Ross x