Paulos Drive-In Circus


Tickets to this event were gifted to me in return for an honest review / showcase. As always, my opinions are entirely my own.

Official poster for Paulos Cirus drive-in

Last week I was given the opportunity review Paulos Circus in Newquay, Cornwall.

Not only was I excited for an evening of entertainment, but it also meant I got to leave the house – which is always an added bonus these days!!

The main selling point for me was the fact this was an outdoor event where you can remain seated in your vehicle – perfect for anyone who may still be “shielding” like myself.

Ross' view of the stage from his vehicle, sunset in the background

I’ve only ever been to one other drive-in event before (which I loved) so I was super excited to see how the Circus could adapt to this new way of performing.

Upon arrival, I was immediately impressed with the one-way traffic system. The overall event felt very well organised, with plenty of steward staff on-hand to support if needed.

As you enter the Circus field, there is a “drive-thru” system in place which enables you to check-in and purchase any essential snacks – such as popcorn, candy floss or slushy drinks.

Ross driving into the location
Drive-thru booths when checking in

From here, you are then directed to a specific parking bay which has been marked at least 2 metres apart. It is then up to you whether you wish to remain seated in your vehicle or not.

Despite arriving well in advance, I was asked to wait at the back of the field due to the size of my van. Although this was disappointing, I can totally appreciate the logic behind it, as I would not wish to block anybody else’s view.

An acrobatics act suspended above the stage

Even though I pride myself on creating a positive platform, I have to be honest with my review. As a fan of the Circus and theatre-type shows in general, I have seen many live performances over the years.

Given the circumstances and distance from the stage, I couldn’t help but feel disconnected from some of the acts at times. In my opinion, the show lacked a little bit of variety and it certainly needed more of a “wow factor”.

Unfortunately I have since seen online that certain acts (such as the large spinning wheel) were only missing on the night of my performance.

Large spinning wheel on stage

With that being said, the novelty and safety aspect of the drive-in was fantastic – and given the right company – it still makes for an enjoyable night out.

The fairest way for me to review this event would be to compile a list of pros and cons.

Pros: affordable, family friendly, well organised, good atmosphere, supporting the arts. Cons: lacked variety, comedy and wow factor

Yes, it may not have been the most exciting show I have ever seen, but given the current climate, I fully believe in supporting the arts. The novelty of a drive-in feature was a success in my opinion and I am grateful for the adaptions Paulos have put in place in order to keep their customers safe.

Luckily for me I had picked an evening with perfect weather, which also added to the relaxed atmosphere – by watching the sunset behind the stage.

Signage around the venue highlight 2 metre social distancing

Tickets are priced at £20 per vehicle and the show is expected to remain in Newquay until September 2020. Performances are currently running daily at 3pm and 6pm.

Check out Paulos Facebook page for more information.