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Transport for Cornwall - Bus Accessibility for Wheelchair Users

When I first started my blog, I could only ever dream about working with big brands to raise awareness of accessibility.

And if you've followed me for a while, you will know that I only ever put my energy into something that I truly feel passionate about.

So when Transport for Cornwall recently reached out and asked me to be involved in their #BucketLoadsByBus campaign, I was keen to see what the facilities were like.

Ross pictured next to the large red Transport for Cornwall bus

Public transport is one of those topics I have avoided for a very long time, as I know it can have a bad reputation in terms of accessibility.

Whilst I may not have the most experience when it comes to using the bus everyday, I was keen to explore what travel options were available for wheelchair users, when enjoying a local day out in Cornwall.

Check out my highlights video below:


As you can see from my video, I was really impressed with the physical access on and off the buses. Having a simple pull-out ramp was so quick and effective, compared to other bus ramps I have used in the past, where electric suspension features could often go wrong.

These ramps sped up the boarding process so much, and caused very little disruption to other passengers.

My only criticism is the fact there was only one allocated wheelchair space on the Coastal buses, which concerns me during busier times, especially if I am in a rush to get somewhere and the space is taken.

Ross sat in the wheelchair bay onboard the bus. Smiling with his thumbs up

In my opinion, this can easily be resolved by removing more of the lower level seating. Whilst the buses in Falmouth do run fairly regularly, nobody wants to be left out waiting in the cold!

Having said this, the wheelchair space itself was more than adequate, allowing me enough turning space to position myself comfortably.

Each bus driver I came into contact with was also very friendly and pro-active in supporting my journey.

Ross sat in his wheelchair next to a large bus stop sign printed on the floor at Pendennis

Exploring Cornwall

The best thing about this new campaign is that all single bus tickets are capped at a maximum £2 until the 31st October 2023.

So if you were thinking about travelling by bus, now really is the perfect time to take advantage of it's convenience and value around Cornwall.

The Transport for Cornwall "bucket loads of fun by bus" poster

Falmouth is definitely one of my favourite places to go for a day out. I'm basically the disabled version of Moana... the sea calls me!!

Wherever you decide to go, you’ll be saving money, helping to reduce congestion and supporting the community to stay greener.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I was positively surprised by how wheelchair-friendly the buses were. The schedule was easy to follow and the new price cap makes a huge difference in encouraging local journeys.

As well as their passion for the environment, I would love to see a continued commitment to accessibility from Transport for Cornwall - by allocating more wheelchair spaces on board.

View of Ross in his wheelchair from behind, looking out to sea over Falmouth

I'm aware that when it comes to public transport, everyone's experience is different, depending on your location / abilities. All I can do in this post is share my personal experience and recommendations for improvement.

After my trip, I definitely feel more comfortable to use the bus as an accessible option should I need it in the future.

For more information, visit



(AD) This post is in paid partnership with Transport for Cornwall. As always, my opinions are entirely my own.

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