Hey everyone, long time no speak! (It may have only been a couple of weeks, but ya know… the days seem to be dragging at the mo!)
Hope you’re all keeping safe and well.
I haven’t paid much attention to my blog recently, as my motivation has been at an all-time low, despite having plenty of time on my hands. However, one thing that I have been sticking to over these past few weeks, is a diary.
Just call me Anne Frank.

Now this is not something I normally do, but in these uncertain times, I thought it would be quite nice to look back on in years to come (should we make it out the other end!)
So sit back, relax, grab a cuppa… and enjoy the highlights of my thrilling week!
Tuesday 17th March
Day one of social distancing / self isolation. Following guidelines from the government and my local GP, today I was signed off work for the foreseeable future. As a vulnerable adult classed as “high risk” due to my muscle and respiratory weakness, the recommended isolation time is 12 weeks – God help me.
Wednesday 18th March
Mum popped to Lidl this morning and came back with a doughnut for me, as she said she wanted to “keep my spirits up” – what a woman!

Day two and I’m already struggling haha.
Due to my care needs, I am unable to completely self isolate. However, I am still taking precautions and the only people who are currently entering my house are my mum and my two PA’s.
Thursday 19th March
Today I woke up and convinced myself to start eating healthily – I want to come out of this lockdown looking like a new man!
I had an apple for breakfast… but by lunchtime, I was eating leftover Indian takeaway. Great start.

Friday 20th March
Social distancing is hard, especially when you have some bloody good mates. I had a lovely surprise left on my doorstep today, in the form of Milka chocolate from my friend Sophie.

Sophie is a nurse who currently works for the NHS, yet she still went out of her way to think of me. I can’t wait to give her a big squeeze once all this madness is over.
Saturday 21st March
What else do you do when you’re in complete lockdown?
Make lasagne, obvs.
Notice a pattern here? I can’t stop eating, send help.
Sunday 22nd March
Mothers Day… what a strange one that was. Usually we’d be sat at a restaurant somewhere, knee-deep in a roast dinner – but not today.
Thank god for Amazon and flower delivery companies. On a positive note, it was nice to have my sister on video call, so that she could still feel involved. Luckily we managed to order some gifts in time and still show Mum our appreciation. Although for some reason, I think she’d rather we hadn’t…

Monday 23rd March
Today I needed to get out of the house, so Mum and I took the doggos for a little walk / wheel around the block. We live on a very quiet / secluded estate – which was perfect for avoiding contact with anybody.
Maybe I could get used to this…

In the afternoon, I also printed off the above poster to display by my front door. My friend Sam has designed many (free) variations to this, so please check out her Facebook page should you need one. For example, if you are classed as elderly, pregnant or have any underlying health conditions.
So there we have it guys, I hope you enjoyed this little insight into my life right now!
Should I make this into a more regular series? Let me know if you’d like me to carry on with ‘The Isolation Diaries’
Again, I hope you’re all keeping safe and following the recommended guidelines. The sooner we all do that, the sooner this can all be over.
Take care,
Ross x