“Why are you in a wheelchair?”

Another day… another dickhead.

I’m going to try and keep today’s blog post short & sweet, because I’m sick to death of moaning on this platform recently – it’s just been one of those weeks/months!

Firstly, I’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported my previous blog post: ‘Approached by a Stranger’.

The amount of messages I received, both good and bad, was unbelievable. I never expected this story to grab as much attention as it did, especially from the media.

Collage photo of the BBC Radio Cornwall logo, alongside the note handed to Ross in his previous blog "do you believe in miracles?"

Special thanks to BBC Radio Cornwall for their support.

To listen to my story in full, check out the link below at 2:06:40 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07r82z6

The opposing argument can be heard here at 12:50 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07r82zm

(Please note these online links expire on 25/11/19)

Moving on from this, I had no intention of writing a new blog post today.

Then earlier on this afternoon, another completely random stranger came up to me in the middle of a store and said: “why are you in a wheelchair?”

No “hello” or “excuse me” – just straight in there.


I find this so intrusive. I would never dream of approaching a random stranger like this.

Imagine going up to someone who was overweight and saying: “why are you so fat?”

You just wouldn’t do it. Disability is no different – we don’t need your constant reminders, pointing out our flaws / insecurities.

No I can’t walk, now f*ck off.

Black and white photo of Ross, with his middle fingers up at the camera

Yet again, I was made to feel uncomfortable in the middle of a public store. All I wanted to do was some Christmas shopping, I didn’t realise I had signed up for an episode of “This Is Your Life”

Maybe I just have one of those faces where people think, “aww he looks friendly, lets go ask him some personal questions!”

I’m not going to lie, it is really starting to get me down now. No wonder many disabled people don’t like leaving the house.

Maybe I need to invest in some business cards and start handing out bullet point facts about my life history.

I’m happy to talk about my disability – but it needs to be on my terms. I’m all for promoting awareness and inclusion, but public situations like this are not cool.

Some of my closest friends don’t even know the true extent of my disability, so you really think I’m going to open up about my struggles to a complete stranger in aisle 3?

I don’t think so mate.

Merry Christmas.