We all know how much I love a good quote, so I’m going to kick off today’s post with something new that I heard recently:
“Life is the most exciting, yet most terrifying it’s ever been”
I cannot believe that 12 months later, I am still here writing these lockdown diaries. Thank you for sticking with me (even if I have lost hope myself a few times!)
3rd March
I thought I would give myself a little “pamper” this evening, as I’ve been feeling a little bit crappy recently. I found some random eye patches and nose strips which are meant to be “cleansing and purifying” (LOL) but I ended up looking more like I’d been in a fight!

4th March
Today I had some writing deadlines which I needed to complete, but I was struggling to concentrate at home. So I jumped in my car – laptop in hand – and headed to my favourite parking spot.
It’s surprising how much work I managed to get done by spending a couple of hours here, compared to what would usually take me a whole afternoon at home!

6th March
I haven’t touched a paintbrush since last year when I redecorated my garden gnomes… so today I am helping my sister upcycle a mirror for her new house.
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate this apron. As always, a sensible photo never lasts for long…

9th March
Today was a pretty cool day, as LADbible released their 2021 Census campaign featuring yours truly! It was such an honour to be selected for these videos, and of course Ralphy had to get involved too…
12th March
Tonight’s Active8 event was PALM READING – yes you read that right.
If you know me well, then you will know that I am massively interested in all things spiritual, despite never venturing into it myself. Several of my friends and family have had personal readings and various medium encounters, however I’ve always been too nervous to get involved myself – despite finding it so fascinating.
Unfortunately tonight’s event wasn’t the personal experience I had hoped for, however it was still interesting to learn about the craft and it’s history.
15th March
Today my parents fitted my new doorbell security system, which was a Christmas gift I’ve been excited to use.
I now get a notification on my phone every time there is ‘activity’ outside of my door – which is so cool!! Sometimes I pretend to leave the house just so I can watch myself come back… SAD TIMES haha.
19th March
Tonight I took part in an online murder mystery evening. The theme was “007” and as you all know, it doesn’t take much to encourage me into fancy dress. The evening was a great laugh and it felt quite nice to get dressed up again (albeit only the top half LOL)

23rd March
Today I had an exciting meeting which I am hoping could lead to see potential paid work in the future. I hope to be able to share more on this new venture in the coming weeks!
28th March
This week I have been really naughty when it comes to food. I have had a Burger King, an Indian and to top it all off… I have now made a chocolate and raspberry fudge cake.
No regrets.

30th March
Today I woke up to see my face splashed across another BBC News article. Only yesterday I was approached by a journalist online who asked if I’d like to feature in a write-up about the scientific importance of HUGGING.
As a self confessed “needy individual” – who enjoys a good squeeze – I was more than happy to get involved!

After a recent incident with an online troll, it was nice to receive so many positive messages and support from this article.
It was only a few weeks ago in a previous blog post that I mentioned how much I miss a good hug – and here we are – front page of the BBC app!
31st March
As shielding comes to yet another end and friends are allowed back in our gardens (yay!), today I put on my big-boy pants as I headed out to my local park.
Although it was busy, I enjoyed being out in the sunshine and catching up with my friend on a socially distanced walk. I even got a cuddle (of sorts!) from this little one.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post. As we enter the next phase of the “roadmap to freedom”, who knows what direction my content will go in next…
Speak soon!
Ross x