Dear diary,
I’ve recently discovered Yorkie biscuit & raisin bars, and now my life will never be the same.

Monday 11th May
This week started off with some great news. I had a surprise *socially-distanced* visit from my friend Cheese, who announced her pregnancy by whipping out her baby scan photo on my driveway! It was so nice to see a familiar face again and have a little catch up.
I may also look pregnant by the time this lockdown ends!
Tuesday 12th May
Unfortunately if you read my previous post, you will know that today we sadly said goodbye to Barney, our beloved border terrier.
It’s been a very low and emotional week from here on out, hence the lack of diary entries.
Saturday 16th May
Today we had our first home-BBQ of the year and it was exactly what was needed. There’s definitely something about BBQ food that hits a new level… it was so good, and nice to do something “normal” again.
Chef Lannon was on fire… literally!

Monday 18th May
This may sound a bit random, but today I did some colouring. Yes I’m a 12 year old at heart. And yes, it had to be Toy Story.

Tuesday 19th May
Lockdown travel restrictions have been slightly lifted, so today I drove to the beach and parked up in my usual spot, whilst maintaining complete isolation.
I was there by 09.30am, so I was able to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and reflect on a tough few days.

Wednesday 20th May
Just when you think things couldn’t get much worse, my wheelchair decides to break. It’s a good job I went for a drive yesterday, because I shan’t be able to get out again anytime soon!
Apparently the welding around my motor had snapped and the chair was deemed too ‘dangerous’ to use. I wish a had a cool story to share how it happened, but chances are I’m just a fatty.
Luckily I have a rusty ol’ spare to keep me going in the meantime.
Thursday 21st May
They say bad things happen in 3’s, so I’m hoping this is my third and final negative post. Today I attempted to make some some Rolo and M&M “blondies”, inspired by a recipe from @fitwafflekitchen.
Lets just say the expectation Vs. reality was quite something…

My spare wheelchair is now also falling apart, so I’ve decided to live in my hot tub until further notice. Sounds like a pretty good compromise to me.

Friday 22nd May
Today I’m feeling more like myself, after falling into a bit of a rut. One of my all-time favourite quotes is: “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”
Cheers for that Dumbledore.
I’m grateful for the friends who have tried to keep my spirits up. Special thanks to Carrie for my massive choccy delivery, and Emma for the awesome car stickers.

As we come to the end of another week, I’m determined to keep positive and claw back some motivation! I really hope you are all ok and keeping safe.
Speak soon,
Ross x